The Ecology of Reconciliation | Cultivating Faith | Richard Dahlstrom
Colossians 1:13–20, II Corinthians 5:16–21| Richard Dahlstrom, Teaching Pastor |
The work of all things being reconciled began on the cross and will continue until that work is finished. Until then, our calling is to be ambassadors for, and ministers of, holistic reconciliation!
I. The Deepest Reality: Colossians 1:13-20
II. Difficult Reality: Isaiah 34:11
A. Though called to embody shalom, humanity’s prevailing paradigm is_____________.
B. Though called to stewardship, we embraced a paradigm of “______________________________________.”
C. Though called to gratitude, we’ve embraced a paradigm of_____________.
III. The Disciple’s Response: An Ecology of Restoration
The Earth and All That is in It: Good for What? | Cultivating Faith | Richard Dahlstrom