Where Are The Stewards? | Cultivating Faith | John Wayne Seitzler
Romans 8:18–25 | John Wayne Seitzler | Director of Wilderness Ministry
The whole creation groans and labors because of the sin that has arisen from missing our first calling to steward the land in the way of God. The land is asking “where are the stewards?” By adopting God’s heart and seeing all things begotten of God as sacred, we will be able to answer the land and step into our first calling as stewards, bringing about restoration to the Vine Maples, the Alaskan Cedars, the Nooksack river, the Diving Kingfisher, Mount Constance, and all of God’s good creation.
I. The Land Groans
II. The Land is Sacred
III. Answering the Call to Steward
Beyond Words: Responding to the Glory of God in Creation | Cultivating Faith | Richard Dahlstrom