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  • Beyond Words: Responding to the Glory of God in Creation | Cultivating Faith | Richard Dahlstrom

    Beyond Words: Responding to the Glory of God in Creation | Cultivating Faith | Richard Dahlstrom

    II Corinthians 3:16–18, Psalm 19 | Richard Dahlstrom, Teaching Pastor | spiritsoulbody.org

    I. All transformation is the result of response to revelation: II Cor. 3:16–18

    II. The revelation that transforms comes through two books: Psalm 19


    – Look and Listen: Matthew 13

    – Taste and See: Psalm 34

    – Take off your Shoes: Exodus 3

  • Where Are The Stewards? | Cultivating Faith | John Wayne Seitzler

    Where Are The Stewards? | Cultivating Faith | John Wayne Seitzler

    Romans 8:18–25 | John Wayne Seitzler | Director of Wilderness Ministry

    The whole creation groans and labors because of the sin that has arisen from missing our first calling to steward the land in the way of God. The land is asking “where are the stewards?” By adopting God’s heart and seeing all things begotten of God as sacred, we will be able to answer the land and step into our first calling as stewards, bringing about restoration to the Vine Maples, the Alaskan Cedars, the Nooksack river, the Diving Kingfisher, Mount Constance, and all of God’s good creation.

    I. The Land Groans

    II. The Land is Sacred

    III. Answering the Call to Steward

  • Cultivating Faith | Bethany West Seattle

    Cultivating Faith | Bethany West Seattle

    Pastor Megan Cowell leads us through the final week of the Cultivating Faith sermon series - God is making and will make all things new! That gives us hope and purpose as stewards today.

  • East of (Renewed) Eden | Cultivating Faith | John Wayne Seitzler

    East of (Renewed) Eden | Cultivating Faith | John Wayne Seitzler

    Revelation 21:1–5 (NKJV) | John Wayne Seitzler, Director of Wilderness Ministry

    When sin entered the story, humanity was moved out of Eden, and the land was cursed. We are hearing whispers of a renewed Eden, where heaven will finally meet earth, the curse will be reversed, God will once again dwell with humanity, and the land will be renewed. God is inviting each one of us to take part in this renovating of the land as tailors of hope, clothing the earth in redemption.

    I. Blessing and Curse

    II. All Things New

    III. Tailors of Hope, Clothing the Earth

  • The Earth and All That is in It: Good for What? | Cultivating Faith | Richard Dahlstrom

    The Earth and All That is in It: Good for What? | Cultivating Faith | Richard Dahlstrom

    Genesis 1–2 | Richard Dahlstrom, Teaching Pastor

    If we pay attention to God’s intent for the created world, including God’s intent for humans, that revelation will lead us to the Creator, awakening our vital calling as stewards.

    I. “It was good” is foundational to everything.

    – “Good” as a source of provision.

    – “Good” as a revelation of interdependency.

    – “Good” because, when it appears God made it, it’s a source of health.

    – “Good” as the original basis for worship.

    II. Proper stewardship begins with paying

  • The Ecology of Reconciliation | Cultivating Faith | Richard Dahlstrom

    The Ecology of Reconciliation | Cultivating Faith | Richard Dahlstrom

    Colossians 1:13–20, II Corinthians 5:16–21| Richard Dahlstrom, Teaching Pastor | spiritsoulbody.org

    The work of all things being reconciled began on the cross and will continue until that work is finished. Until then, our calling is to be ambassadors for, and ministers of, holistic reconciliation!

    I. The Deepest Reality: Colossians 1:13-20

    II. Difficult Reality: Isaiah 34:11

    A. Though called to embody shalom, humanity’s prevailing paradigm is_____________.

    B. Though called to stewardship, we embraced a paradigm of “______________________________________.”

    C. Though called to gratitude, we’ve embraced a paradigm of_____________.

    III. The Disciple’s Response: An Ecology of Restoration

  • The Parable of the Good Samaritan | Parables | John Wayne Seitzler

    The Parable of the Good Samaritan | Parables | John Wayne Seitzler

    Luke 10:25–37

    John Wayne Seitzler, Director of Wilderness Ministry

    The characters of the lawyer, priest, and Levite are carrying beliefs that result in them missing their calling to bless the world in the way of God. Through the love and compassion of the Good Samaritan, we, as a community, are being invited to release stagnant ideology in order to move into a greater participation in the story of God.

    I. The Lawyer

    II. The Priest

    III. The Levite

    IV. The Samaritan

  • Pressure, Release Valves, Aspen Trees, and Snow | Love God Love Others | John Wayne Seitzler

    Pressure, Release Valves, Aspen Trees, and Snow | Love God Love Others | John Wayne Seitzler

    I John 4 | John Wayne Seitzler, Director of Wilderness Ministry

    The list of pressures on our lives and the correlating “release valves” only seem to be growing. Through the book of I John, God is calling us to three ways of being that will enable us to both withstand pressure and be all that we were meant to be in Christ:

    I. Being reminded

    II. Being rooted

    III. Being the love of Christ

  • Thanksgiving Eve | John Wayne Seitzler | Director of Wilderness Ministry